
Understand The Problem And The Economy


Understanding social problems and examples or causes - you can learn about the definition of social problems clearly and completely below.

A. This is an explanation of social problems What is meant by social problems is a condition that is born of a society that is not ideal, or the definition of a social problem, namely the lack of conformity of elements of society that can endanger the lives of social groups. Social problems are a condition that can arise from a state of society that is less or not ideal, meaning that as long as there is a need in the community that is not fulfilled evenly, social problems will always remain in life.

Some examples of social problems

1. Poverty is a situation where there is an inability to fulfill basic needs in life, including: clothing, food and shelter. Poverty does not only occur in plosok areas but can also occur in urban areas. Also read about: Understanding social groups and according to the most complete experts.

2. Unemployment Unemployment is one example of current social problems, the increasing number of unemployed people is usually caused by an increasing population while the number of jobs is still limited or still low, this kind of thing must be immediately overcome by the government by providing a lot of employment in order to reduce the number of unemployed.

3. Masalah pada pendidikan Kurangnya pendidikan merupakan salah satu masalah sosial yang terjadi dalam masyarakat, misalnya seperti banyak anak-anak membantu orang tuanya untuk mencari nafkah, hal ini disebabkan karena ketidakmampuan mereka dalam membiayai sekolah. Itulah diatas beberapa contoh tentang masalah sosial, sebenarnya masih banyak contoh yang lainnya. Baca juga: Mengenal pengertian ilmu sosial dan menurut para ahli.

These are 4 Factors that can cause social problems Social problems in people's lives are very many but actually there are 4 (four) main factors that cause social problems, which include the following:



1. Economic Factors Problems in the economy are usually in the form of problems of unemployment, poverty and others. In this case, the government usually has to take responsibility, because the government does not provide jobs for the community. If the community experiences this problem, it will result in the very vulnerability of community members to commit criminal acts and economic shortcomings can be used as a reason or justification in carrying out these actions. Economic factors can also be used as a reference for the progress of a country and economic factors can influence social problems in the psychological and biological aspects of society.

2. Cultural Factors This factor means that a culture that is increasingly developing in the community will have a role that can trigger social problems. For example, such as marriage at an early age, marriage, delinquency in adolescents, etc. or as at present our country is constantly being entered into foreign cultures. This factor must get serious attention because culture in a country can reflect the habits of its people. By studying or studying religious education it may be possible to prevent, awaken or filter out incoming foreign cultures. The mind constantly clings with comments or judgment. Shortly thereafter, this comment can spread the mist over the gift of time spent in the realm of strengthened strength, which reduces our taste and strength. We can end up with just beautiful memories and some good stories to tell beforehand.

3. Biological Factors Furthermore, biological factors, these factors can cause social problems such as malnutrition, infectious diseases and others. This happens because of the lack of adequate health facilities and can occur also due to inadequate economic and community education conditions. So most of the conditions of the biological community are easily infected with the disease, for a possible solution at this time by improving health facilities and providing knowledge to each community member about prevention and providing knowledge about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and the importance of maintaining environmental hygiene.

4. Psychological Factors In addition to the above factors there are also psychological factors, problems like this can arise if the psychology of a society is very weak. Psychological factors can also also arise if the heavy burden of life felt by the community, especially those in urban areas, work that accumulates so that it creates stress and can cause emotional outbursts that can later trigger conflict between community members.
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